Video: Saddam killed mandela; according to Bush.

Bush never seizes to amaze me. Nobody can make me laugh as he can. All those bushisms would make for one hell of a book, well I guess there already are a few.

This morning at a press conference; while trying to assert that saddam killed all democratic reformers of Iraq, Bush went on to say: "I thought an interesting comment was made — somebody said to me, I heard somebody say, “Now, where’s Mandela?” Well, Mandela’s dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas."

...Right well isn´t mandela still alive and saddam dead? would be my question.

Quote from think progress:
Nelson Mandela was a strong opponent of the war in Iraq. Prior to the war, he condemned Bush as “a president who can’t think properly and wants to plunge the world into holocaust.” “Why does the United States behave so arrogantly?” he asked, adding, “They just want the oil. We must expose this as much as possible.”
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